January 3, 2011

Everything you need is already inside. Just do it. - NIKE, Inc.

Along with dictionary.coms Word of the Day that I get delivered to my Blackberry daily, I receive the Word of the Day from urbandictionary.com.  Unlike the dictionary.com version that is meant to help expand my vocabulary, the latter one is just for fun.  Many of the words or phrases are pretty lame, but every now and again there are some pretty good ones; funny, gross, eerily accurate !!  Their tagline defines their verbiage as A veritable cornucopia of streetwise lingo, posted and defined by its readers.

One of my all time favourites appeared a few years ago, a day or two after New Years Eve


Definition: People who join a gym after the New Year, only to quit going within 3 months.
Example: I couldn't find a free treadmill; the place was crawling with resolutionaries.

Ahhhh yes, I expect to find all the resolutionaries flocking the gym this week for the next several months.  Oh joy !!  Im at least happy that I can adjust my hours now and go when its convenient and less busy, rather than fighting my way through the crowds after work like in years past.  And of course its not only the gyms that hope to profit so greatly from this magical time of the year, but the weight loss centres as well are bombarding our televisions with advertisements promising of helping you find a brand new you now !!  Seems to me all they are doing is preying on the desperate and hopeful.

About 10 or so years ago I decided to stop making New Year's resolutions. I found that every time I did, I was ultimately setting myself up for failure.  Like the aforementioned resolutionaries, I would dive in head first armed with enthusiasm and determination, only for my efforts to fizzle out and fade away within a very brief period of time ... months, weeks, even days.

I've been trying to figure out why I, like so many others, failed in my attempts at bettering myself at this time of year. Too many goals at once?  Improper planning??  Setting the bar too high???  I've been reading so many articles on it this week I feel like my head is gonna fall off. My conclusion is that I don't care.  I decided this year I'm going to make some resolutions for the first time in over a decade. I will take a few of the small tidbits of advice I found while researching the "why's" and utilize them, but I'm not going to beat it to death. I've only come up with a few small ones, they are definitely realistic and doable, and where possible I'm going to give myself deadlines as well.  I wouldn't be me if I didn't come up with a detailed plan of attack now would I?  Here goes nuthin:

   Resolution # 1 - Okay fine, I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and make my first resolution to be weight loss. This is an easy one, since the steps required to get there are already part of my routine, I just slipped a little over the holidays :)  Remember my blog about my Halloween weekend food bender?  Well let's just say I had several of those in the past couple of weeks.  To get back to the weight I am most comfortable with I need to lose 6 pounds, and I'm giving myself 4 weeks to do it. That is quite lofty for me considering it's those last few pounds, but I suspect the first few will come off rather quickly once I get back on track.

   Resolution # 2 - STUDY STUDY STUDY. This is the definitely an area that I still struggle with big time. I did very little studying over the holidays, perhaps an hour or two a couple days a week, but at that rate I'll never get these courses done.  The school itself gives a deadline, and since I signed up for both courses at once they both fall on the same day, June 19th. That certainly is plenty of time, but I'd like to get them done sooner, for obvious reasons. I hesitate to give this one my own timeline ... so let's just say I'm going to have to study my little ass off. 

   Resolution # 3 - I think I might attempt to start dating again.  I definitely have no plan of attack for this one, but I'll figure something out. I don't want a boyfriend at that moment, that's for sure; I just wouldn't mind getting out there now and again. After all, a girl's gotta eat ;)

Hmmm, for some strange reason thats all I can think of right now.  Is it possible that my life is so perfect I have nothing else I feel I need to change and improve upon ??  Hardly.  I guess just with all the changes Ive been making in my life recently with this career transition, Ive already incorporated so many resolutions into my life in the past 6 months.  I got a big jump on the New Year this year.

Lets see how it goes shall we ???  Happy New Year !! 

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