August 29, 2011

What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do - John Ruskin

It seems I've been bitten by the lazy bug again.  A thick blanket of dust has started to settle on my Nutrition textbook, as it did on my Personal Training text a few short months ago.

Part of it is sheer laziness; I got into the habit of studying in the evenings, and even when I worked floors shifts only at my new job.  However most nights now I have training clients, which of course is wonderful and the whole point of it all.  But the training has distracted me from studying, and that’s not so wonderful.

Habits can be a gawd awful thing, especially when those habits are bad ones.  Those seem to be the hardest ones to break though don't they?  Why is that ??  Perhaps because the bad ones are usually the most fun ;)

So I need to find a way out of the habit of not studying, if that makes any sense. I started by taking my books out of my locker at work where they had made their permanent home, and brought them to my actual home. However they remain there today, still in my knapsack, waiting to escape their canvas entrapment.

I suppose part of my elusiveness is that I'm working now, doing what I set out to do, so putting the remainder of my studies on the back burner comes easier to me.  There's no sense of urgency to get this next course completed.  My only motivation at the moment is not to waste the money I spent on the course, which had to be paid up front.  Well that and my general desire to earn my Nutrition Certification and expand my knowledge and job opportunities of course, which was also part of the original plan.

Everything else is going quite well and according to plan.  I completed a 12 week, 10K running training program the week before last, took one week of rest (from the running only, not from training entirely), and today I started up again.  The first program was a beginner plan, and I completed 202 miles of the 215 that were required.  Now I've signed up for the intermediate program which slates 274 miles over the 12 week period.  I love, love, love the running; the only challenge I’ve encountered is getting in weight training in addition to running.  And I do not want to give up one in favour of the other.  Some days require me to run 6-10 miles, which takes me an hour or more, so trying to squeeze in even 1/2 hour more of gym time can be quite challenging.

But hey, that’s me, I like a challenge, and running, training, working and studying should keep me sufficiently busy for the next little while.  If I don't have a number of things like this going on in my life I'd be bored to tears.  I'm not much of a TV whore, so I gotta fill my time somehow.  It's a good thing golf season is nearing its end ... but then of course hockey season starts so that should make things fun :)

And the "diet" is also going quite well.  I'm not following the proposed plan very closely, but just putting the guidelines in my head have helped me clean up my act.  I only lost 1 1/2 pounds in the first two weeks, but I feel a helluva lot better, and more importantly I'm not obsessing about it.

Progress makes perfect :)

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