April 16, 2011

A year from now you may wish you had started today - Karen Lamb

I made my newest list the other day … short and sweet, just like me :)

There are only 2 goals on it, however as directed I made them specific, realistic yet challenging, and I wrote them down. I don't know why I do so much better when I commit to goals in writing, but whatever works right?  And it seems to have worked ... so far I've accomplished all the to-do's that detail my goals every day this week, and with promising results.

Goal number one is to lose 6 1/2 pounds by May 6th ... it seems my estimate of 'about 5  pounds' was a little lean - no pun intended.  Since I started on Friday the 8th, that's exactly 4 weeks to reach my goal, or a little over 1 1/2 pounds per week.  This is actually pretty aggressive for me since it's those infamous last few pounds, but I know I can do it once I set my mind to it. One of the perks of having become a regular exerciser is that my metabolism has definitely skyrocketed. Anyone who's every gone out to eat and/or drink with me can attest to that ... I can out eat just about everyone I know, and I'm not that big a girl ;)

My detailed plan of attack to reach goal #1 is quite simple; I just need to get back on track with my diet and exercise !!  5 days a week of weight training, 6 days a week of cardio, and I've gone back to counting calories as this seems to bring me success. I didn't get off to a great start though :(  I went out with one friend Friday night for Indian food and a few drinks, then out again with another friend Saturday night for dinner and MANY drinks. I finally took advantage of the subway being just steps away from my new home and we took the tube downtown, visiting several bars throughout the evening. By Monday morning my 6 1/2 pounds grew to an appalling 9 pounds, and seeing that number was enough to drive me into immediate action.  I did not adjust my goal based on this new number, as I knew from experience that it wasn't real weight gain but rather bloating and dehydration.

And I was right !!  After just 4 days of following the details of my plan, this morning I was down 3 pounds from my starting point and a whopping 5 1/2 pounds down from Monday's weigh-in debacle.   Talk about motivation :)

Goal number two details my plan of attack regarding my studies. As indicated previously I am now just trying to complete the Personal Trainer course and have put the Nutrition course on hold until after I get my PT certification.  Studying has actually been going well lately; I've managed to study for an hour or two a day on most days of the week. I added this as a goal however because it seems I've either spent my time getting in shape OR studying. Whenever I seem to succeed with one the other takes a back seat. I guess that explains my recent weight gain.  So I don't want my efforts towards goal number one to take away from my efforts for goal number two.

Goal # 2's plan is simple, but again fairly aggressive. I need to study a minimum of 1-2 hours EVERY day - the weekends I seem to get lazy and never open the books. And I set a deadline to write my exam by May 1st ... yikes !!  That's just over 2 weeks away.  It's definitely challenging so I'll have to work hard to get 'er done.  

And just to make things fun, the playoffs are upon us ... and anyone who knows me well enough knows I'm referring to the NHL.  I'm typically glued to the television for two months straight this time of year, regardless of which teams advance - although my Wings are looking good this year, as usual :)  I've been known to stay up till the wee hours of the morning, drinks in hand watching triple overtime, then crawling in to work the next morning on just a couple hours sleep and a mean hangover. 

I think the reasons for my dismissal are suddenly becoming clearer ;)

I will continue to watch my hockey of course; it is after all the greatest sport in the world. I just need to watch it soberly (damn !!) and still make time for exercise and schooling.

Fingers crossed !!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I think it's funny we both posted new posts at the same time. Hahaha, it's good to see you on track. I hope to get really back on track this weekend. It it weren't for having sewing classes, I wouldn't really get any sewing done. For me, my goals are to get back into exercising/jogging and sewing. Good luck to us both!
